
The Events department organizes a variety of events aimed at raising awareness of climate change issues among students on the EPFL campus.

What do we do ?

Our event team organizes all the small to medium events throughout the semester. We organize a variety of events throughout the semester. Here’s a list of what we organized during the last few semesters:

  • Conference
  • ZEG conversation
  • Movie projection
  • Internal events (team building, Christmas diner, hike…)
  • Parts of the Sustainability Week at EPFL

We reach out to NGOs, politicians, or responsible companies and invite them to our campuses to discuss sustainability issues or debate current topics.

Zero Emission Group - Event - Grillade


Participants during the last semester


Number of events during the semester


People currently in the team

Some of our famous intervenants


IPCC lead author

Thimothée PARRIQUE

Economist, expert in De-growth


President of The Shift Project

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